Different Notions of Shape and Associated Distances 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Shape Sets and Basic Distances Abstract This chapter is dedicated to the definition of relevant sets of shapes and that of defining a metric on them. Following a recent research monograph by Delfour...

Excess, Extension, and the Partial Object (Eclipse, Shroud, Ancient Light)

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Mefisto or the struggle for being The first part of the novel introduces the reader to the narrator’s troubled relationship with his family during his childhood together with his universe which is rife...

Query Evaluation Algorithms for Full XPath

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Formal Semantics of XPath 3.0 in λXP We introduce λXP, a typed first-order logical language for querying data trees based on first principles, supporting path navigation, higher-order functions, recursion, aggregates, tuples, lists, strings,...

Problem formulation and numerical example of continuoustime W configuration ATOsystems

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Applications of ATO systems The ATO strategy has frequently been used in today’s marketplace due to its advantages. The applications of ATO production not only allow companies to offer a large number of...


Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Basics of Image Compression Techniques Digital image and video compression is the science of coding the image content to reduce the number of bits required in representing it, aiming facilitate the storage or...

Thin-film magnetoplasmonic sensors with tailored magnetic properties 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Magnetoplasmonic structures to enhance the sensing Although SPR and LSPR sensors have already shown a high sensitivity, even been commercialized by several companies, there are still great demands of sensors with ultra-high sensitivity...

Single-leader Single-follower Pricing-Allocation Bilevel Model in CAs for Full Truckload Transportation Procurement

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Bidding language for transportation procurement com- binatorial auctions In an auction, bidders have to formulate bids according to their private prefer-ences, information, and bidding strategies (Nisan & Ronen, 1999). A bidding language in...

Process-Level Power Estimation in Multi-Core Systems

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » CPU Power Models Along the last decade, the design of CPU power models has been regularly considered by the research community [Bel00; Col+15b; Kan+10; McC+11; VWT13]. Currently, the closest approach to hardware-based monitoring...

Theoretical analyze and modeling of coda wave propagation in multilayer 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Fouling in heat exchanger of dairy industries Since the beginning of human civilization, fire, as a method of heat treatment, is used to improve the quality of food. With correct processing parameters, heat...

A generative model for power-law distributed clustering instance

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Relation between label propagation and least squares This algorithm can be interpreted as a classification algorithm rather than a clustering algorithm, for few reasons. Each cluster must be supervised, as a consequence this...