African Renaissance as an Economic Nationalism

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General Introduction

The African continent has witnessed many tragic historical peculiarities starting from the advent of colonialism up to the present day. From the attainment of independence in the early 1960s, most African nations inherited colonial political and socioeconomic institutional legacies through which national development processes were pursued. In the post-colonial period, these institutions have been used by the emergent African elite not only to subvert development efforts, but also had become deeply subservient to the external economic shocks, dependent and vulnerable to foreign interferences. Essentially they served the political needs of both the colonial powers and the emergent African elite. As a consequence debates and schisms began to develop on what African development perspectives should be and imply, as the problems of capacity both human and financial erupted. The continent increasingly faced debilitating and severe economic depression, perpetual political crises, social fragmentation and patchy policy environments in almost all facets of life.
Rather than transform the primitive subsistence that has pervaded the continent, proliferation of internecine wars, ethnocentrisms, corruption, diseases, poverty, dictatorial authoritarian styles of governance became the norm. In the mid 1980s the continent was entangled in foreign debt. These incidences have essentially become the scourge of the continent as the pattern continued well into the late 1990s. The nature of these incidences created huge capacity constraints resulting in multiple apathies to development on the continent. It became obvious that development policies of the continent had run into paradigmatic crises and rendered attempts at development problematic. As a result of the continued development dilemma and the adoption of patchy policy models, the continent began to face marginalisation and isolation in the emerging global political and economic systems.
At the end of the Cold War, development initiatives increasingly received international attention. In order to not remain passive, homegrown initiatives t  foster development began to evolve, given the persistent development difficulties that have immersed the continent. What ultimately emerged from the plethora of indigenous resourcefulness is the Nepad.
Nepad has produced vitally important sector-specific policy goals as action plans set for implementation. The process through which the policy goals are to be achieved is equally critical but has been subsumed in the current debate and in the implementation domain of Nepad. Yet, the defining moment of any public policy is the implementation process. However, it is of note that, no policy implementation process, and for that matter, development policy programme, are without incidents. The implementation processes are constantly afflicted with complexities and sometimes unique unanticipated contingencies. Major impediments to implementation have always been the deliberate neglect and absence of considerations for peculiar contingencies that underlie the processes.
As Nepad enters its implementation phase, it appears dismissive, indifferent, and underestimates the implicit contingencies underlying its implementation process. In other words, consequential variables that create perceived vacuums have been omitted from the agenda. Examination of the implementation process will create a deeper understanding and highlights the peculiar impact factors that underlie the course of implementation. This is not only ascribable to and a signification of the relevance of policy and implementation analyses but also strategic approaches in policy processes. This study brings fresh perspectives in an attempt to fill the gaps.

CHAPTER 1 – General Introduction
1 Introduction
1.1 Historical Background of Nepad
1.2 Rationale and Aims of Nepad
1.3 Objectives of Nepad
1.4 Institutional Mechanisms of Npad
1.5 The Purpose of the Study
1.6 The Objectives of the Study
1.7 Problem Statement of the Study
1.8 Research Question
1.9 Significance of the Study
1.10 The Need for the Study
1.11 Limitations of the Study
1.12 Structure of the Study
1.13 Concluding Reflections
CHAPTER 2 – Research Methodology
2 Introduction
2.1 Dimensions of Research
2.1.1 The Use of Research
2.2 Types of Research Approaches
2.3 Methodology for the Study
2.3.1 Primary and Secondary Sources
2.4 Clarification of Terms
2.4.1 Emerging Conditions
2.4.2 New Partnership for Africa’s Deveoment (Nepad)
2.4.3 Implementation Process of Nepad
2.5 Concluding Reflections
CHAPTER 3 – The Theoretical Frameworks of Policy Implementation in Relation to the Implementation Process of Nepad
3 Introduction
3.1 Relationship with previous Studies
3.2 Conceptual Framework for the Study
3.3 Critical Explanatory Concepts and Perspectives
3.3.1 The Contextual Value of sub-Themes
3.4 Theoretical Frameworks of Policy Implementation
3.4.1 Functional Policy Stages / Phases Theoretical Framework
3.4.2 Multi-actor / Group Theoretical Framework
3.4.3 Top-Down Theoretical Framework
3.4.4 Bottom-Up Theoretical Framework
3.4.5 Advocacy Coalition Theoretical Framework
3.4.6 The Theoretical Framework for the Study
3.5 Reviews of Relevant Literature
3.5.1 A Composite Review of Related Literature
3.5.2 A Composite Review of Journal Articles
3.5.3 A Composite Review of Monographs
3.5.4 Critiquing Overview of the Related Literature
3.6 Regional Development Initiatives: International Experiences
3.6.1 Development Initiative in USSR/Warsaw Pact Countries Glasnot Perestroika
3.6.2 Development Initiatives in Western Europe
3.6.3 Development Initiatives in South Asia / Pacific
3.6.4 Development Initiative in Latin America
3.6.5 Development Initiative in Africa
3.7 Traditional Theories of Integration
3.7.1 Functional Integration Approach
3.7.2 Development Integration Approach
3.7.3 Competing Paradigms of Integration Concept
3.7.4 Political Integration
3.7.5 Economic Integration
3.8 The Organisation of African Unity (OAU)
3.8.1 Formation
3.8.2 The OAU as the Old Paradigm of Africa’s Integration
3.8.3 The African Union (AU) Formation The AU as the New Paradigm of Africa’s Development
3.9 Public Administration
3.9.1 Policy
3.9.2 Governance
3.10 Public Administration and Policy Models of Governance
3.10.1 Open System
3.10.2 Rational Model
3.10.3 Incrementalism
3.11 The Governance and Leadership Imperatives of pad on Africa
3.11.1 The Governance Imperatives of Nepad on Africa
3.11.2 The Leadership Imperatives of Nepad on Africa
3.12 The Determinants and Indicators of Leadership
3.13 Concluding Reflections
CHAPTER 4 – Africa’s Development Imperatives: a critical discourse of the case
4 Introduction
4.1 African Concept as Development Initiative
4.1.1 African Renaissance as an Economic Nationalism
4.2 African Renaissance: Implications for the Research Agenda
4.3 Perspectives on Determinants and Indicators of  Globalization with regard to Africa
4.3.1 Perspectives on the Concept of Globalization
4.3.2 Development partnership as Evolving Determinant of Globalization
4.3.3 Good Political Governance as Evolving Determinant of Globalization
4.3.4 Socio-economic Determinants of Globalization in Africa
4.3.5 Indicators of the Globalization Process
4.4 The Principles and Rationale underlying African Development Partnership in the Globalized Environment
4.5 The Globalized World Order: Formations and Transformations in Africa
4.5.1 The African Political Environments
4.6 Africa’s Globalization Strategy: the Nepad Initiative
4.7 Concluding Reflections
CHAPTER 5 – The Analysis of the Research Findings in Synthesis with the Programmatic Frameworks of Nepad

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CHAPTER 6 – The Implications of the Research Findings on the Implementation Process of Nepad


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